Pastoral Care

Supporting the work of clergy and staff are volunteers who provide encouragement and friendship to St. James parishioners. They enhance parish life through a number of activities. Members of the parish family wishing to be involved with any of the groups may call the church office at 248-644-0820.

Visits to Parishioners in Hospital

Hospital visits by our clergy can be arranged by contacting the church office to let them know about any parishioner who is entering the hospital. 

At their request, parishioners may receive the Holy Eucharist at home. We have been blessed with several Eucharistic visitors trained to bring Communion to parishioners' homes. Please contact the church office to arrange a home visit.

Keeping in Touch

The Keeping in Touch group maintains contact with parish members who may be unable to attend services and participate in other church activities due to illness, disability or personal loss. Welcome notes to new parishioners, congratulatory messages for births and baptisms, taking members to medical appointments are activities supported by Keeping in Touch volunteers.

Parish Prayer Cycle

The Parish Prayer Cycle names six families or individuals each week. Each named person or family receives a postcard notifying them of the Sunday that their names will be read during the Prayers of the People.